Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

3. Creating Identities in an Intertextual World

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Charles Bazerman [+-]
University of California at Santa Barbara
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Department of Education Gevirtz Graduate School of Education University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA USA


Even as we introduce them to and give them practice in standardized forms, students need to see these as tools to express ideas they want to express, to explore new thoughts, to develop unique perspectives and messages. We should treat genre as an opportunity space for expression. The genres we assign provide invitations to express new contents, represented in new ways, and pieced together in new kinds of coherence – all to foster new thought and cognitive development. So in assigning students to write in various genres we should be mindful of which ones might produce the most appropriate challenges to advance student thinking in our courses. Also, in assisting students to write in each genre we should not only help them to adhere to the proper form but to build those thoughts that will accept the invitation of the genre and take advantage of the opportunity the genre provides to grow intellectually and expressively.

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Bazerman, Charles. 3. Creating Identities in an Intertextual World. Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 45-60 Jul 2015. ISBN 9781781791066. Date accessed: 31 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27768. Jul 2015

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