Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

5. Writing Differently: Creating Different Spaces for Student Learning

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Fiona English
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The aim of this chapter is to consider writing as a facilitator in the context of university study. More specifically, it foregrounds the role writing has in developing learning as opposed to, what is more usually the case, its role in demonstrating learning. It focuses particularly on the use of genre, and, building on my earlier work (English, 2011), it offers an alternative to traditional approaches to genre pedagogy which prioritize genre “forms” and offer exemplary models to be emulated or templates to be filled. Instead, this discussion shows how genre can be used as a dynamic, transformative resource in the development not only of student writing but also student disciplinary learning. In other words, instead of genre being the pedagogical goal, genre becomes a pedagogical resource.

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English, Fiona. 5. Writing Differently: Creating Different Spaces for Student Learning. Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 95-114 Jul 2015. ISBN 9781781791066. Date accessed: 31 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27770. Jul 2015

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