Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

9. The Wide World of Nonfiction: Breaking Barriers of Form to Empower and Improve Student Writing

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Sonya Huber [+-]
Sonya Huber is an Assistant Professor of English at Fairfield University. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from The Ohio State University. She has published two books of creative nonfiction, Opa Nobody (2008) and Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir (2010), both from University of Nebraska Press, as well as a writing textbook, The “Backwards” Research Guide for Writers: Using Your Life for Reflection, Connection, and Inspiration (Equinox, 2011). Her creative nonfiction and journalistic pieces have been published in literary journals and magazines including Creative Nonfiction, Fourth Genre, Crab Orchard Review, Hotel Amerika, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Washington Post Magazine.


To teach nonfiction writing, we have broken this wide field down into component parts and various subgenres: business writing, narrative writing, persuasive writing, and many others. This is not a bad approach, and it is often a necessary one. Mastery of genre distinctions is a literary approach that is often assumed to be one of the main tasks for student writers; but distinguishing a genre by its “rules” and separating modes of writing often has the effect, in my experience, of freezing students’ natural discovery processes and creativity and even restricting their ability to use their own experience as a resource for research. My aim here is to explore the unintended consequences of this categorization specifically as it relates to students’ understanding of the choices available in writing nonfiction and to suggest specific remedies to allow for flexibility in voice and mode of discourse. In particular, I will offer an overview of a “family tree” of nonfiction forms, with question asking as the “trunk” that unites these various forms.

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Huber, Sonya. 9. The Wide World of Nonfiction: Breaking Barriers of Form to Empower and Improve Student Writing. Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 185-206 Jul 2015. ISBN 9781781791066. Date accessed: 31 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27774. Jul 2015

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