Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

14. Watching/Reading: Graphic Narratives and University Writing

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide - Alice Chik

Jeffrey Mather [+-]
City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Jeffrey Mather is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at City University of Hong Kong. Originally from Canada, Dr. Mather completed his Ph.D. in English at the University of Kent at Canterbury, where he examined the intersections between natural scientific writing, China, and imaginative literature during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His current research and teaching interests are in English literary studies and travel writing. He is currently working on a number of projects, including an examination of contemporary graphic travelogues and works by the American graphic novelist Joe Sacco. Before coming to Hong Kong, Dr. Mather taught English language and literature in Canada, Britain, Taiwan, and Mainland China.


This chapter comes out of experience teaching graphic novels in the contexts of Hong Kong and Mainland China and conducting a workshop on using the graphic novel as a foundation for critical thinking at the Summer Institute for Creativity and Discovery in University Writing that was held at the City University of Hong Kong in the summer of 2013. In the first part of this chapter I discuss the potential strengths of using graphic novels in university writing classes. In the second part, I discuss activities and strategies for implementing graphic narratives into the classroom by referring to two texts: Guy Delisle’s Burma Chronicles (Delise, 2007) and Joe Sacco’s Not in my Country (Sacco, 2010). I close with some brief reflections and recommendations.

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Mather, Jeffrey. 14. Watching/Reading: Graphic Narratives and University Writing. Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class - A Teacher's Guide. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 277-296 Jul 2015. ISBN 9781781791066. Date accessed: 31 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27779. Jul 2015

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