The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

16. How do you know what things to record?

The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

Seung Ho Bang
Baylor University


One purpose for digging is to acquire data from the excavated field. Since archaeological excavation is an irreversible process of destroying the primary context of what is being dug, all data pertinent to the immediate and long-term goals are subject to be collected through systematic recordings, such as verbal descriptions, drawings, and photography, in both the fields while digging and labs after digging.

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Bang, Seung Ho. 16. How do you know what things to record?. The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 58-62 Sep 2016. ISBN 9781781792421. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27864. Sep 2016

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