The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

45. What can we learn from the ancient environment?

The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

Elizabeth R. Arnold
Grand Valley State University


Archaeologists have a variety of methods to examine the remains of plants, animals, soils and sediments to document past environments and reconstruct the lives of ancient people. Any attempt to reconstruction the environment, either on the local level or in a region, is greatly strengthened by using many lines of evidence for past environmental conditions.

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Arnold, Elizabeth. 45. What can we learn from the ancient environment?. The Five-Minute Archaeologist in the Southern Levant. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 186-191 Sep 2016. ISBN 9781781792421. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27894. Sep 2016

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