Theorizing Religion in Antiquity - Nickolas P. Roubekas

Theorizing Religion in Antiquity - Nickolas P. Roubekas

20. Epilogue: The Jabberwocky Dilemma - Take Religion for Example

Theorizing Religion in Antiquity - Nickolas P. Roubekas

Luther H. Martin [+-]
University of Vermont
Luther H. Martin is Professor Emeritus of Religion, University of Vermont. He also has been a Distinguished International Fellow at the Institute of Cognition and Culture, Queen’s University Belfast, and a Visiting Professor at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. He is the author of Hellenistic Religions (1987) and of numerous articles in this field of his historical specialization. He has also published widely in the field of theory and method in the study of religion, especially, in the area of cognitive theory and historiographical method, and has coedited several volumes in this area, including Past Minds: Studies in Cognitive Historiography (2011). He is a founding member of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion and is co-editor of its Journal of the Cognitive Science of Religion.


An exponent of the social scientific study of religion, Martin discusses not only the contents of the chapters of this volume, but also offers ideas and other theoretical suggestions for ‘moving forward’ in the important field of ‘ancient religions.’

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Martin, Luther. 20. Epilogue: The Jabberwocky Dilemma - Take Religion for Example. Theorizing Religion in Antiquity. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 414-438 May 2019. ISBN 9781781793572. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.27981. May 2019

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