Medieval Towns - The Archaeology of British Towns in their European Setting - John Schofield

Medieval Towns - The Archaeology of British Towns in their European Setting - John Schofield


Medieval Towns - The Archaeology of British Towns in their European Setting - John Schofield

John Schofield [+-]
Museum of London (retired)
John Schofield is now retired from the Museum of London, and is an archaeologist writing various books and reports. He is archaeologist for St Paul's Cathedral, London, and has produced a large report 'St Paul's Cathedral before Wren', published by English Heritage in 2011. Also in 2011 he published 'London 1100-1600' for Equinox Press, in the series Archaeology of Medieval Europe, of which he is series editor. This book was awarded the London Archaeological Prize for the best archaeological publication in London in the years 2011-12, on 16 November 2012.
Alan Vince † [+-]
Alan Vince worked at the Museum of London from 1980 to 1988, and then at the City of Lincoln Archaeological Unit. He was the director of Alan Vince Archaeological Consultancy based in Lincoln until his death in February 2009.


Archaeologists have shown that towns can claim to be more representative of the nature of society of which they formed part than any other type of site. In towns we are most likely to find archaeological evidence of both long-distance and local trade, of exploitation of natural resources, of specialization and of technological evidence in manufacturing, of social differentiation, of the means of political control, and of the religious aspirations of the population. Medieval Towns is the second and enlarged edition of the book Medieval Towns which was published in 1994 by Continuum. It surveys recent work on the archaeological study of medieval towns in Britain. Its emphasis is on the discoveries by archaeological teams, nearly always on sites to be developed or already under construction. From the vast haul of information now at our disposal, after thirty years of data gathering, we can begin to ask questions of many kinds. What went on in medieval towns? How did the rich and poor live, what nourished them, what did they die of? What was the weather like, the quality of life, the restrictions or special pleasures of living in towns?

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Schofield, John ; Vince † , Alan . Bibliography. Medieval Towns - The Archaeology of British Towns in their European Setting. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 288-320 Sep 2005. ISBN 9781845530389. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.28250. Sep 2005

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