Entanglements - Marking Place in the Field of Religion - Russell T. McCutcheon

Entanglements - Marking Place in the Field of Religion - Russell T. McCutcheon

A Brief Response from a Fortunate Man (2000)

Entanglements - Marking Place in the Field of Religion - Russell T. McCutcheon

Russell T. McCutcheon [+-]
University of Alabama
Russell T. McCutcheon is University Research Professor and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Alabama, USA. He publishes widely on the history of the study of religion, the tools scholars use in their work, and the practical implications of that work. Among his recent publications are Reading J. Z. Smith (with Willi Braun; Oxford University Press, 2018), ‘Religion’ in Theory and Practice (Equinox Publishing, 2018) and Fabricating Religion (de Gruyter, 2018).


Entanglements attempts to argue against those who claim that scholarship on the category religion is only of secondary interest, in that it fails to do primary research on real religions. The volume collects eighteen responses, written across twenty years, that each exemplify the inevitably situated, give-and-take nature of all academic debate. These essays call into question the often used distinction between primary and secondary sources, between description and analysis. Published here in their original form, each contribution is accompanied by new, substantive introduction describing the context of each response and explaining how each shows something still at stake in the academic study of religion--whether its the rhetoric used to authorize competing scholarly claims or the difficulty involved in suspending our commonsense view of the world long enough to study the means by which we have come to see it that way. An ethnography of scholarly practice written mainly for earlier career readers--whether undergraduate or graduate students or even tenure-track faculty-- Entanglements tackles the notion that some scholarship is more pristine, and thus more valuable, than others, thereby modeling for scholars earlier in their careers some of the obstacles and arguments that may face them should their research interests be judged unorthodox.

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McCutcheon, Russell . A Brief Response from a Fortunate Man (2000). Entanglements - Marking Place in the Field of Religion. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 59-72 Mar 2014. ISBN 9781781790779. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=28498. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.28498. Mar 2014

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