Interactions with Japanese Buddhism - Explorations and Viewpoints in Twentieth Century Kyōto - Michael Pye
2. On Zen Buddhsim
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism - Explorations and Viewpoints in Twentieth Century Kyōto - Michael Pye
Rudolf Otto † [+ ]
University of Marburg
While holding a professorship of systematic theology at the University of Marburg, Rudolf Otto did much to push forward the historical and systematic study of religions in general and was particularly interested in the devotional and mystical traditions of India and-- within the multifacered religious scene of Japan -- in Zen Buddhsim, His work, Das Helige appeared in 1917 and the English translation, The Idea of the Holy in 1923.
This article is more or less a recapitulation of Professor Sukuki's paper on Zen that appeared in an issue of the Eastern Buddhist .