Antipodean Riffs - Essays on Australasian Jazz - Bruce Johnson

Antipodean Riffs - Essays on Australasian Jazz - Bruce Johnson


Antipodean Riffs - Essays on Australasian Jazz - Bruce Johnson

Bruce Johnson [+-]
University of Turku, Finland and Macquarie University
Bruce Johnson holds honorary Professorships at the University of New South Wales, University of Technology Sydney, the University of Glasgow, and the University of Turku, where he co-founded the International Institute for Popular Culture. His publications include Dark Side of the Tune: Music and Violence (with Martin Cloonan) and They Do Things Differently There: Essays on Cultural History (ed. with Harri Kiiskinen).


Antipodean Riffs is a collection of essays on Australian jazz and jazz in Australia. Chronologically they range from what could be called the ‘prehistory’ of the music – the tradition of US-sourced African-American music that predated the arrival of music billed as ‘jazz’ – to the present. Thematically they include studies of framing infrastructural mechanisms including the media. The volume also incorporates case studies of particular musicians or groups that reflect distinctive aspects of the Australian jazz tradition.

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Johnson, Bruce. Index. Antipodean Riffs - Essays on Australasian Jazz. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 285-296 Feb 2016. ISBN 9781781792810. Date accessed: 30 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.28951. Feb 2016

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