Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces - Miroslav Bárta

Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces - Miroslav Bárta

Running with Images: Ritualised Script in the Vogellauf, Rudderlauf and Vasenlauf

Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces - Miroslav Bárta

Jiří Janák [+-]
Charles University
Jiří Janák is a faculty member of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University, Prague.


Three mysterious "runs“ ( Vogellauf, Ruderlauf and Vasenlauf ) are attested among royal cultic scenes depicted on temple walls, or even on private coffins. Their oldest evidence dates back to the Middle Kingdom and the latest comes from the 1st century BC. These ritual scenes usually depict the king as if running towards a deity with an object or objects in his hand(s). The objects in question were identified as the northern bald ibis and sceptres of life, stability and power ( Vogellauf ), two heset -jars ( Vasenlauf ) and the so-called navigation tool and an oar ( Ruderlauf ). The aim of this paper is to envisage these rituals from several different points of view, bridging natural environment, iconography, language and religion in search for their interpretation.

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Janak, Jiri. Running with Images: Ritualised Script in the Vogellauf, Rudderlauf and Vasenlauf. Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 89-96 Apr 2020. ISBN 9781781794098. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.29019. Apr 2020

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