Sexed Texts - Language, Gender and Sexuality - Paul Baker

Sexed Texts - Language, Gender and Sexuality - Paul Baker

Doing gender: community and performativity

Sexed Texts - Language, Gender and Sexuality - Paul Baker

Paul Baker [+-]
Lancaster University
Paul Baker is a lecturer in the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University. His previous books include Public Discourses of Gay Men, Hello Sailor and Using Corpora for Discourse Analysis. He has also published on the subject of Polari, a lost language variety used by gay men.


Topics include: Community, contact and co-operation; Gender as performance; Conclusion

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Baker, Paul . Doing gender: community and performativity. Sexed Texts - Language, Gender and Sexuality. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 63-89 Jul 2008. ISBN 9781845530754. Date accessed: 21 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.29360. Jul 2008

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