Text-type and texture: the potential of Theme for the study of research writing development
Text Type and Texture - Gail Forey
Ann Montemayor-Borsinger [+ ]
National University of Rio Negro, Argentina
Ann Montemayor-Borsinger has held professorial posts in several Argentinean universities in graduate and postgraduate programs in linguistics and discourse analysis. Her research interests focus on functional grammar, discourse analysis, genre studies, literary stylistics and translation issues. She has widely published drawing on Systemic Functional Linguistics to investigate different types of discourse in English, Spanish and French. She has recently been appointed director of a research centre on Language and Literature Studies (LELLAE) at the National University of Rio Negro in Argentina.
Montemayor-Borsinger, focusing on academic scientific texts, provides a longitudinal study of academic writers as they move from apprentice to expert status in publishing in academic journals. She investigates in detail changes in the ways in which they develop the texture of their argument through the choice of Theme as they become accepted members of their academic community.