Boomer dreaming: the texture of re-colonisation in a lifestyle magazine
Text Type and Texture - Gail Forey
J.R. Martin [+ ]
University of Sydney
J R Martin is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney. His research interests include systemic theory, functional grammar, discourse semantics, register, genre, multimodality and critical discourse analysis, focussing on English and Tagalog - with special reference to the transdisciplinary fields of educational linguistics and social semiotics.
Martin closes the collection with an overview and illustration of a methodological approach by which our understanding of texturing can be further extended. In his chapter, Martin draws on his extensive experience of discourse analysis to provide a detailed account, which will be illuminating for both the experienced and the novice text analyst, of how to approach a text, and shunt from the text to the context to the ideological meanings constructed. In doing this, he brings together many of the threads of earlier chapters and shows how they can be integrated in a comprehensive analysis of how a text works as a text.