Prosodic Variation (with)in Languages - Intonation, Phrasing and Segments - Marisa Cruz

Prosodic Variation (with)in Languages - Intonation, Phrasing and Segments - Marisa Cruz

4. From ToBI Phonological Events to Functional Melodic Forms at the Communicative Level

Prosodic Variation (with)in Languages - Intonation, Phrasing and Segments - Marisa Cruz

Doina Jitca [+-]
Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy
Doina Jitca˘ is a Scientific Researcher at the Speech Processing Department of the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy – Iasi Branch, Romania. Intonation modeling is her domain of interest, having recently published the following contributions for this research field: Information Packaging correlates of Semantic Information Structure Categories (Jitca, 2020), and A Cognitive View on Romance Yes–No Question Contours (Jitca, 2022).


The paper proposes an intonational description which uses functional pitch contour elements relevant at the information structure (IS) level. A hierarchical view transforms utterances into hierarchies of communicative units (CUs) with own IS. The proposed intonational analysis consists in the utterance partitioning into information packaging units (CUs) and in applying functional labels to the CU constituents in order to describe the IS of all CUs within the utterance hierarchy.

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Jitca, Doina. 4. From ToBI Phonological Events to Functional Melodic Forms at the Communicative Level. Prosodic Variation (with)in Languages - Intonation, Phrasing and Segments. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 106-127 Apr 2022. ISBN 9781781794685. Date accessed: 27 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.30074. Apr 2022

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