The Relational Dynamics of Enchantment and Sacralization - Changing the Terms of the Religion Versus Secularity Debate - Peik Ingman

The Relational Dynamics of Enchantment and Sacralization - Changing the Terms of the Religion Versus Secularity Debate - Peik Ingman

9. Protection through the Invocation of Shared Thirds: Sacralization without Iconoclasm

The Relational Dynamics of Enchantment and Sacralization - Changing the Terms of the Religion Versus Secularity Debate - Peik Ingman

Peik Ingman [+-]
Åbo Akademi University
Peik Ingman is a PhD candidate in Comparative Religion at Åbo Akademi University. He is currently working on a doctoral thesis with the working title ‘Sacralization and the Gift: Queer Family Members in Christian Families’. His research combines actor-network theory, philosophy of science and object relations theory.


This chapter engages in speculation on the notion of iconoclashes (Latour 2010) by drawing on the insights garnered from three sources for which iconoclasm has become a central challenge: Bruno Latour, relational psychoanalysis and my ongoing research with queers in Christian families. The central question I wish to entertain is whether and how it might be possible to protect relationships against iconoclasm non-iconoclastically. A corollary to this question is another: could such a defense be meaningfully referred to as (a form of) sacralization? As Giorgio Agamben has argued, profanation involves negligence. It is the character of this negligence that is under question in an attempt at a non-iconoclastic defense against iconoclasm. Is protection against the accusation of sacrilege possible to achieve through non-iconoclastic sacralization?

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Ingman, Peik. 9. Protection through the Invocation of Shared Thirds: Sacralization without Iconoclasm. The Relational Dynamics of Enchantment and Sacralization - Changing the Terms of the Religion Versus Secularity Debate. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 165-186 Dec 2016. ISBN 9781781794753. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.30132. Dec 2016

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