Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2) - Kjel Knutsson

Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2) - Kjel Knutsson

Transmission of Knowledge, Crafting and Cultural Traditions, Interregional Contact and Interaction, 7300 Cal BC

Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2) - Kjel Knutsson

Eva David [+-]
CNRS Laboratoire Préhistoire et Technologie, Nanterre, France
Éva David is an international scientist, specialist in Prehistoric technology. In France, she is employed at the National Centre for Scientific Research. There, from the North European archaeological productions she studies, Éva David demonstrated that the way bone implements have been technically conceived reflects distinct crafting traditions. Thus, design of the equipement made of animal material used by the last Stone Age hunters are now used as relevant cultural markers to highlight Postglacial groups' interaction and migration. Éva David is yearly giving lectures on this field of research at the University Nanterre.
Mathilda Kjällquist [+-]
National Historical Museums of Sweden
Mathilda Kjällquist is a licentiate student at the department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. Her research interests concerns the Mesolithic of southern Scandinavia, including lithic technology. Kjällquist works at The Archaeologists at the National Historical Museums in Lund, where she has nineteen years of experience of leading and participating in Stone Age excavations.


The new site of Norje Sunnansund, located in South Eastern Sweden, Blekinge, was chosen for its large potential within the research frame on psycho-socio-cultural transmission throughout know-how and how they diffuse in Mesolithic Europe. Indeed, on the one hand, it provides industrial products made from lithic and bone that participate in the same way to characterizing manufacturing traditions dated to the Early Holocene and, on the other hand, it also provides several ornamented pieces, whose blank-products are similar to those at the basis of the definition of the considered Mesolithic cultural groups. Moreover, the archaeological site is geographically situated in the border zone region between the Maglemosian stricto sensu, located in Denmark, and the northeastern tradition (Kunda-Butovo-Oka-Volga or Post-Swiderian related groups) in regions around and east of the Baltic Sea. The overview of similarities and differences in the archaeological material of Norje Sunnansund and its neighbourhood, where aspects of the two traditions seem to interact, yields this way an interesting methodological framework for characterizing the transmission, and make possible its modeling from the point of view of prehistoric human productions, insofar these are technologically defined. As a result, vertical transmission is displaying here in know-how related to the making of the most important part of the equipment (hunting gear), as traditionally encountered in the Northeastern tradition, and conversely the diffusion of adorned inset forms with a Norje Sunnansund art style into the Maglemosian 2 indicates direct contacts between specific social groups, probably craftsman hunters, belonging to both traditions in the Southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This coincides to the introduction of new knapping techniques in Denmark, from 7500 Cal. BC onwards.

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David, Eva; Kjällquist, Mathilda. Transmission of Knowledge, Crafting and Cultural Traditions, Interregional Contact and Interaction, 7300 Cal BC. Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 231-276 Apr 2018. ISBN 9781781795163. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.30718. Apr 2018

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