Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2) - Kjel Knutsson

Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2) - Kjel Knutsson

Postglacial Pioneer Colonisation of Eastern Fennoscandia: Modeling Technological Change

Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2) - Kjel Knutsson

Mikael A. Manninen [+-]
Oslo University
Mikael A. Manninen is a postdoctoral fellow at the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. His research covers hunter-gatherer archaeology in Fennoscandia, lithic technology, and environmental archaeology. Manninen has worked in several archaeological field and research projects in northern Europe.
Esa Hertell [+-]
University of Helsinki
Esa Hertell is Helsinki based archaeologist who has worked for several archaeological field and research projects in Finland over the years. His publications have concentrated on Stone Age lithic technology and long term land use patterns of hunter-gatherers.
Petro Pesonen [+-]
National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki, Finland.
Petro Pesonen is a researcher in Archaeological Field Services in the National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki, Finland. He has lead a number of archaeological excavations and surveys in Finland. His research concentrates on Stone Age archaeology of the eastern Fennoscandia, dealing particularly with the chronological issues.
Miikka Tallavaara [+-]
University of Helsinki
Miikka Tallavaara is an archaeologist currently at the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki. His research covers lithic technology, human-environment interactions, and long-term human population dynamics. Tallavaara has also worked in several archaeological field projects in Finland.


The post-glacial environmental development and initial human colonization of eastern Fennoscandia provides exceptional possibilities to study how and why technological adaptations developed in a low population density pioneering situation as a response to radical changes in the environment. This entails research on the dynamic relationships between the developing environment, technology, demography, and contact networks. The present paper discusses the data presently available from the area of present-day Finland for studies concentrating on these questions and reviews recent research in this field with a focus on work conducted using material deriving from the southern and eastern parts of the country.

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Manninen, Mikael; Hertell, Esa; Pesonen, Petro; Tallavaara, Miikka. Postglacial Pioneer Colonisation of Eastern Fennoscandia: Modeling Technological Change. Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe - Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 23-46 Apr 2018. ISBN 9781781795163. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.30723. Apr 2018

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