The Cognitive Linguistics Reader - Vyvyan Evans

The Cognitive Linguistics Reader - Vyvyan Evans

25. Space Under Construction: Language-specific Spatial Categorization in First Language Acquisition

The Cognitive Linguistics Reader - Vyvyan Evans

Melissa Bowerman [+-]
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (formerly)
Soonja Choi
San Diego State University


In this essay the authors argue that children actively construct semantic categories from the language they grow into. They provide a synthesis of their research into the acquisition of morphemes expressing spatial relations by Dutch and Korean children and argue that children do more than merely match the 'labels' that language provides with the appropriate fully-formed concepts.

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Bowerman, Melissa; Choi, Soonja. 25. Space Under Construction: Language-specific Spatial Categorization in First Language Acquisition. The Cognitive Linguistics Reader. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 849-879 Nov 2007. ISBN 9781845531102. Date accessed: 31 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.31571. Nov 2007

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