A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr - The Life and Thought of Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī - S.Z. Chowdhury
"Words along the Way": Surveying alSulamī’s Mystical Lexicon…
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr - The Life and Thought of Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī - S.Z. Chowdhury
S.Z. Chowdhury [+ ]
Independent Scholar
S.Z. Chowdhury, PhD is an examiner and school teacher in History, World Religions as well as Theory of Knowledge and his research areas include Metaphysics, Sufism, Qur’ānic Studies and Islamic Law. He lives and works in London.
Chapter Six explores the major concepts that underpin al-Sulamī’s mystical thought