Contours of the Flesh - The Semiotics of Pain - Darlene M. Juschka

Contours of the Flesh - The Semiotics of Pain - Darlene M. Juschka

Penetrating the Body of the Masculine Other: White Masculinity, War, and Ritualized Torture

Contours of the Flesh - The Semiotics of Pain - Darlene M. Juschka

Darlene M. Juschka [+-]
University of Regina
Darlene M. Juschka is an associate professor in the Department of Gender, Religious and Critical Studies at the University of Regina, Canada.


This chapter develops a discussion on the gender and racial coding of pain in the modern Eurowest. To do this I examine the 2003 events at Abu Ghraib. Captured on camera are what appears to be the ritualized torture and humiliation of a number of Iraqi prisoners. It is my intention to make visible the link between the indexical sign of pain, evoked through torture, white masculinity, and the racialized other to show how the ritualized use of pain demarcates proper and improper masculinities.

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Juschka, Darlene. Penetrating the Body of the Masculine Other: White Masculinity, War, and Ritualized Torture. Contours of the Flesh - The Semiotics of Pain. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 106-123 Apr 2021. ISBN 9781845539610. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.31851. Apr 2021

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