4. Recently Reborn: To Return as a Child of Scientologist Parents
Children in Minority Religions - Growing Up in Controversial Religious Groups - Liselotte Frisk†
Peter Åkerbäck [+ ]
Stockholm University, Sweden
This chapter deals with Scientology´s view on children and parenting. The view on children will be split into three separate questions. The first question which will be addressed is what a child is according to Scientology, the second question concerns the upbringing of a child and how a child should be, what a good child is, and the third question concerns parenting and focus on how to behave towards a child in order to develop it into an adult. Other questions discussed in the chapter are: what types of strategies are available for the Scientology parent and how is one supposed to use them? What is considered a good parent? How should one act and behave towards a child? Scientology’s written material is complemented by interview material from members as well as ex-members, and the ways in which these concepts are implemented is discussed.