Implicit Subject and Direct Object Arguments in Hungarian Language Use - Grammar and Pragmatics Interacting - Enikő Németh T.

Implicit Subject and Direct Object Arguments in Hungarian Language Use - Grammar and Pragmatics Interacting - Enikő Németh T.

Summary and Conclusions

Implicit Subject and Direct Object Arguments in Hungarian Language Use - Grammar and Pragmatics Interacting - Enikő Németh T.

Enikő Németh T. [+-]
University of Szeged
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Enikő Németh T. is Professor in the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Szeged.


In Chapter 6, on the basis of the data, analyses and argumentation presented in Chapters 3−5, I will summarise my results and conclusions. I will also set up a classification of Hungarian verbs according to the possibilities of their occurrence with lexically unrealised arguments. And finally, I will recover the pragmatic motivation behind the occurrence of Hungarian verbs with implicit arguments as well as the main pragmatic principle guiding the identifying mechanisms.

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Németh T, Enikő. Summary and Conclusions. Implicit Subject and Direct Object Arguments in Hungarian Language Use - Grammar and Pragmatics Interacting. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 209-220 Jan 2019. ISBN 9781781795958. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.32452. Jan 2019

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