Assessing English on the Global Stage - The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016 - Authors :

Assessing English on the Global Stage - The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016 - Authors :

6. Language Test Development in the 21st Century: The Return to a Product-Centred Approach

Assessing English on the Global Stage - The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016 - Authors :

Authors :


Chapter 6 records how the 21st Century marked a return to in-house test development by the British Council and a commitment to developing its own language testing expertise through a newly created Assessment Research Group (ARG).  The commitment to innovation in language test development is highlighted by the use of the socio-cognitive approach and to the operationalization of the concepts of localisation, flexibility and accessibility in the development of the Aptis test.

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., .. 6. Language Test Development in the 21st Century: The Return to a Product-Centred Approach. Assessing English on the Global Stage - The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 257-330 Jul 2017. ISBN 9781781794920. Date accessed: 31 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.32600. Jul 2017

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