The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory - Lauren Istvandity

The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory - Lauren Istvandity

Assembling an Interdisciplinary Approach to Musical Memories

The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory - Lauren Istvandity

Lauren Istvandity [+-]
University of the Sunshine Coast
Dr Lauren Istvandity is a Lecturer in the School of Creative Industries, University of the Sunshine Coast. Her research interests spans popular music, memory, critical heritage studies, and ethnography. Her most recent work looks to the heritage of jazz music in Queensland, where she collects memory narratives and ephemera for archival preservation. She is the co-editor of Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage (Routledge 2018).


This chapter has two principle functions: firstly, it will provide the reader with a thorough overview of autobiographical memory and its relation to music. It will prepare the reader for the analysis chapters by outlining our current understanding of musical memory through reference to sociological, cultural and scientific literature. The second function of this chapter is to explore new concepts that are central to the following chapters, including ideas pertaining to the Lifetime Soundtrack, cloud memories, emotion, and the use of music and memory in everyday life. These original ideas encourage a more considered approach to understanding musical memories, providing theoretical frameworks through which the topic can be comprehensively explored. In this chapter, I will argue that musically stimulated autobiographical memory can provide individuals with a way of understanding their life experiences as meaningful, and that everyday listening provides opportunities for engagement with mnemonic processes.

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Istvandity, Lauren. Assembling an Interdisciplinary Approach to Musical Memories. The Lifetime Soundtrack - Music and Autobiographical Memory. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 13-28 Sep 2019. ISBN 9781781796290. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.33118. Sep 2019

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