Constructing Data in Religious Studies - Examining the Architecture of the Academy - Leslie Dorrough Smith

Constructing Data in Religious Studies - Examining the Architecture of the Academy - Leslie Dorrough Smith

16. Labor: Finding the Devil in Indiana Jones: Mythologies of Work and the State of Academic Labor

Constructing Data in Religious Studies - Examining the Architecture of the Academy - Leslie Dorrough Smith

James Dennis LoRusso [+-]
Independent Scholar
James Dennis LoRusso currently serves as Vice President of the North American Association for the Study of Religion. He is a former Associate Research Scholar in the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton University, USA and is the author of Spirituality, Corporate Culture, and American Business: The Neoliberal Ethic and the Spirit of Global Capital (Bloomsbury, 2017).


This chapter approaches “the academy” as form of data in order to interrogate and evaluate the current state of academic labor, particularly in twenty-first century North America. Drawing on discourse analysis, the essay examines how governing academic norms and practices sustain and exacerbate the structural and material challenges facing the most vulnerable academic laborers today. In particular, the author explores how academic labor is socially constructed through the mobilization of various “mythologies of work” and even through critical genres such as “quit lit” that seek to expose perceived injustices. The enactment of these discourses, the chapter argues, ultimately reinforces the status quo and serves the interests of academic elites.

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LoRusso, James. 16. Labor: Finding the Devil in Indiana Jones: Mythologies of Work and the State of Academic Labor. Constructing Data in Religious Studies - Examining the Architecture of the Academy. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 221-234 Oct 2019. ISBN 9781781796764. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34184. Oct 2019

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