Restoring the Chain of Memory - T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge - James L. Cox

Restoring the Chain of Memory - T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge - James L. Cox

Knowledge, Tradition and Authority

Restoring the Chain of Memory - T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge - James L. Cox

James L. Cox [+-]
University of Edinburgh and Western Sydney University
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James L. Cox is Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies, University of Edinburgh,and Adjunct Professor in the Religion and Society Research Cluster, Western Sydney University. He has particular interests in the study of Indigenous Religions, with emphases on Africa, the Arctic and Australia and in methodologies in the academic study of religions.


Chapter nine returns to the discussion introduced in chapter two where religion was restricted to an authoritative tradition that is preserved and transmitted from generation to generation and in which Indigenous Religions are defined as traditions that are bound to ancestors and that operate in strictly delineated geographical locations. It is argued that the research presented in this book on Strehlow and the contemporary repatriation of knowledge movement confirm the author’s theoretical starting-points and encourage an empathetic understanding of Indigenous Religions in Central Australia in ways consistent with the principles advocated by the phenomenology of religion. This is followed by a discussion of two remaining fundamental issues relevant to the themes discussed in the prior chapters: types of knowledge and the relationship between tradition and modernity. The book concludes with the contention that the collected work of T.G.H. Strehlow functions not only as a dynamic source for Indigenous communities as they respond creatively and positively to the changing circumstances occurring within Australian society but also that his extensive research in Central Australia, although concluded more than fifty years ago, can make a significant contribution to contemporary global studies in Indigenous Religions.

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Cox, James. Knowledge, Tradition and Authority. Restoring the Chain of Memory - T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 164-184 Mar 2018. ISBN 9781800503113. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34398. Mar 2018

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