The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema - Diane Hughes

The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema - Diane Hughes

'You’ve Got a Friend in Me': Singing Voices in the Toy Story Films

The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema - Diane Hughes

Natalie Lewandowski [+-]
Independent Researcher
Dr Natalie Lewandowski is a research collaborator, educator and consultant specializing in screen sound, public relations, media copyright, regional music and Australian contemporary art. With a background in marketing, communications and economics, Natalie’s approach integrates industry insight with critical analysis, resulting in a holistic approach which involves key stakeholders. Recent research projects and publications include an edited volume on music, health and wellbeing; ethnographic studies of Australian regional live music scenes; and case studies on creators in the Australian and New Zealand film soundtrack industries.
Penny Spirou [+-]
Australian Film, Television & Radio School
Dr Penny Spirou is Student Learning Support Manager at AFTRS (Australian Film, Television & Radio School). Her research has been published in journals including Comedy Studies, Celebrity Studies, and Studies in Australasian Cinema. Most recently Penny has published book chapters in Singing Death (2017) and Music in Comedy Television (2017).


Created by Pixar films, the Toy Story series uses the singing voice as an aid to character development and narrative progression. Drawing on animation studies, film sound theory, vocal analysis, and star studies, this chapter demonstrates how the voice is integral to narratives of the first three Toy Story films.

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Lewandowski, Natalie; Spirou, Penny. 'You’ve Got a Friend in Me': Singing Voices in the Toy Story Films. The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 150-167 Nov 2020. ISBN 9781781791127. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.35467. Nov 2020

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