Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works - A Study in Authoring, Compiling, and Editing Texts in the Tibetan Revelatory Tradition - Cathy Cantwell

Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works - A Study in Authoring, Compiling, and Editing Texts in the Tibetan Revelatory Tradition - Cathy Cantwell

Dudjom Rinpoche's Work on Zilnon Namkhai Dorje's (zil gnon nam mkha'i rdo rje) Ultra Secret Quintessence Action (yang gsang phrin las bcud dril) Vajrakīlaya

Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works - A Study in Authoring, Compiling, and Editing Texts in the Tibetan Revelatory Tradition - Cathy Cantwell

Cathy Cantwell [+-]
University of Oxford and University of Kent
Cathy Cantwell is an Associate Faculty Member at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, and an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent. She has specialized in Tibetan and Himalayan tantric rituals of all periods from the tenth century CE, including text critical and historical analysis, as well as ethnographic study of contemporary rituals. She was President of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies, 2015–2021.


As a young man, Dudjom Rinpoche received transmission from the famous revealer Zilnon Namkhai Dorje himself, and this included his revelatory cycles, as well as the direct introduction to the nature of mind, to which Dudjom Rinpoche attributed his ease in attaining spiritual accomplishment. The revealer had asked him to make a compilation of his Vajrakīlaya revelatory practice. It was only many years later, in the 1970s in Kalimpong, that the opportunity arose for this. This later work forms the subject matter of this chapter.

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Cantwell, Cathy. Dudjom Rinpoche's Work on Zilnon Namkhai Dorje's (zil gnon nam mkha'i rdo rje) Ultra Secret Quintessence Action (yang gsang phrin las bcud dril) Vajrakīlaya. Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works - A Study in Authoring, Compiling, and Editing Texts in the Tibetan Revelatory Tradition. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 326-350 Mar 2020. ISBN 9781781797624. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=35860. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.35860. Mar 2020

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