Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng - A Systemic Functional Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra - Hailing Yu

Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng - A Systemic Functional Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra - Hailing Yu

Same Chan Master, Different Images: The Story of Huineng and its Translations

Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng - A Systemic Functional Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra - Hailing Yu

Hailing Yu [+-]
Department of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hunan University
Hailing Yu got her PhD from the Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Australia in 2017. Since then, she has been working as assistant professor in the School of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hunan University, China. Her research interests cover translation studies, systemic functional linguistics, discourse analysis and the spread of Chan Buddhism across languages and cultures. She has been working on different translations of the Platform Sutra since 2009, and her publications appear in journals such as Target, Social Semiotics, Functional Linguistics and New Voices in Translation Studies.


2.1 Huineng’s story in the Platform Sutra 2.2 Experiential meaning: what does Huineng do? 2.2.1 Transitivity 2.2.2 Participant roles of Huineng: his image through actions 2.3 Interpersonal meaning: how does Huineng interact with others? 2.4 Textual meaning: how does the story of Huineng unfold? 2.4.1 Theme 2.4.2 Huineng’s thematic status and ways of storytelling 2.5 Conclusion

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Yu, Hailing. Same Chan Master, Different Images: The Story of Huineng and its Translations. Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng - A Systemic Functional Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 24-45 Jul 2019. ISBN 9781781797969. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.36321. Jul 2019

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