Religions of a Single God - A Critical Introduction to Monotheisms from Judaism to Baha'i - Zeba A. Crook
Chapter 8: Jewish Practice and Holy Days
Religions of a Single God - A Critical Introduction to Monotheisms from Judaism to Baha'i - Zeba A. Crook
Zeba A. Crook [+ ]
Carleton University
Discussing thousands of years of Jewish practices would be impossible in so short a survey, so this chapter focuses on modern Jewish practices, though some of the practices do go back thousands of years. Understanding religious practice is important because much can be expressed in practice, such as one’s understanding of God and one’s relationship with competing groups, whether inside or outside of the religion, whether majority or minority. In addition, practice is one of the key ways that communal identity is expressed. This chapter summarizes some common Jewish practices and the widely observed Holy Days. Finally, to speak of practice is also to speak of Jewish culture, Jewish homes, and Jewish life.