'An Enormous Yes'

Philip Larkin - Poetry, Politics, Love and Jazz - Ian Smith

Ian Smith [+-]
Writer, Broadcaster and Musician
Ian Smith has lectured on literature, film and cultural theory at the Universities of Oxford, Boston, Warwick, London, and Kingston. He has also worked as a professional jazz musician for many years. This musical work includes composing and performing settings of Larkin poems for BBC Radio 3; settings that formed part of the stage show “Larkin’s Jazz”, presented at UK literary and jazz festivals. He has published and broadcast regularly on literature, jazz, and cultural politics.His play, Blood Count, exploring the complex relationship and creative partnership of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2015 and 2016. His study of Harold Pinter, Pinter in the Theatre, is published by Nick Hern books (2005).


The poem “For Sidney Bechet” merits a chapter of its own. Its account of the possible meanings and resonances of jazz is more than a commentary on Bechet; it is declaration of what the voice of love should be, and of what the best of art can achieve. The poem is not only a corrective to those who see Larkin only as a negative poet; the supposed laureate of romantic disappointment and “books are a load of crap”. It is also an affirmation of Larkin’s belief in jazz and of a wider belief in what culture should do. The scope of the poem’s ambition is indicated by the fact that it is written in Terza Rima. No poet writing in the 20thC would submit to the complex Dantescan verse form without a conscious aspiration to literary and even theological seriousness.

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Smith, Ian. 'An Enormous Yes'. Philip Larkin - Poetry, Politics, Love and Jazz. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Mar 2026. ISBN 9781781798102. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=36502. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.36502. Mar 2026

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