22. What was the Original Language?
The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick
Barry Hilton [+ ]
Independent scholar
Barry Hilton served as the Associate Editor of the first and second editions of this book and was a member of the review board of the radio series from which it was adapted. He is a freelance writer/editor and independent scholar living in Maine. He is an honors graduate of Harvard College who, after graduate studies at Cornell, Yale, and George Washington Universities and the Foreign Service Institute, has travelled extensively and lived in both Europe and Asia. In a variety of U.S. government assignments, he has made professional use of Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, French and German. He describes himself as an ‘armchair philologist and recovering polyglot’.
The chapter presents the opinions of various researchers regarding the emergence of language. Thus, studies of historical linguists, paleontologists, anatomists as well as multidisciplinary efforts are considered in order to explore the way in which the earliest language functioned.