The Boke of Keruynge - (Book of Carving) - Wynkyn de Worde

The Boke of Keruynge - (Book of Carving) - Wynkyn de Worde

Drawings and Explanations

The Boke of Keruynge - (Book of Carving) - Wynkyn de Worde

Wynkyn de Worde [+-]
Medieval Printer
Wynkyn de Worde was born in Alsace and came to England in 1476. He was a printer and publisher in London known for his work with William Caxton, and is recognized as the first to popularize the products of the printing press in England. He died in 1534.


Figure 1A: Laying the tablecloths, Figure 1B: Wrapping the bread, Figure 1C: Arming towels, Figure 2: The table setting, Figure 3: Tableware, Figure 4: Carving, Figure 5: Surnape and towel, Figure 6: To dress a Lord, Figure 7: Hippocras, Figure 8: Butler, Figure 9: In this woodcut, printed by William Caxton some time before 1501, we see a traveller with his satchel (Odysseus?) at the door of a dining chamber.

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de Worde, Wynkyn . Drawings and Explanations. The Boke of Keruynge - (Book of Carving). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 73-92 May 2003. ISBN 9781781798874. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38279. May 2003

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