Provincial Headz - British Hip Hop and Critical Regionalism - Adam de Paor-Evans

Provincial Headz - British Hip Hop and Critical Regionalism - Adam de Paor-Evans

Conclusions: Critical De-regionalism, Dispelling the Myth and Revealing the Invisible

Provincial Headz - British Hip Hop and Critical Regionalism - Adam de Paor-Evans

Adam de Paor-Evans [+-]
University of Central Lancashire
Adam de Paor-Evans is Reader in Ethnomusicology at the University of Central Lancashire. His hip hop scholarship is published widely, and he leads the project Hip Hop Obscura: Revealing Hidden Histories through Ethnomusicology and Cultural Theory. He is also a practicing hip hop artist as Project Cee.


In my concluding chapter I consider the arguments presented in the book and discuss and confirm three critical discoveries that contribute to the growing field of knowledge related to critical regionalism, de-regionalism and the global. Firstly, I dispel the myth that hip hop is solely an urban culture, and charge that consumer-capitalists continual urbanization of hip hop culture is a parodic and heterotopian position within which the tired urban tropes of hip hop are constantly titivated for consumer-capitalist gain, in turn simplifying the rich and diverse cultural dynamics of hip hop. Secondly, I attest the position that an acquired critically regional hip hop culture existed and advanced in Britain evidenced through a set of hybrid practices and productions, and furthermore this hybrid culture was a counter-approach to the established, expected and normalized ways that one should conduct their life. Moreover, I verify that that there were clear contextual differences between the city-centric and provincial positions in British hip hop, which helps us consider the importance of regionalism and its role in the evolutionary practices of hip hop. Thirdly, I conclude that the cultural dynamics of non-urban British hip hop culture can act as a frame for its practitioners to realize the potential for greater critical engagement in both hip hop practice and everyday life. For many practitioners, hip hop and daily life are inseparable, and the final section of this concluding chapter makes proposals based on the findings of this book for future approaches and tactics to significantly enhance hip hop practice and life experience as a whole.

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de Paor-Evans, Adam. Conclusions: Critical De-regionalism, Dispelling the Myth and Revealing the Invisible. Provincial Headz - British Hip Hop and Critical Regionalism. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 272-289 Feb 2020. ISBN 9781781796450. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39334. Feb 2020

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