The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales - Hugh Willmott

The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales - Hugh Willmott

New Landscapes of Leisure

The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales - Hugh Willmott

Hugh Willmott [+-]
University of Sheffield
Hugh Willmott is Senior Lecturer in European Historical Archaeology at the University of Sheffield.


To date, developments within the wider monastic precinct have received comparatively little consideration academically. Nonetheless, it is clear that new secular owners often expended as much energy developing new landscaped gardens as they did creating houses. This chapter provides a review of this process, emphasising its continuous and ever evolving nature. It concludes by offering a caution against the simplistic reconstruction of static ‘monastic’ and ‘post-Dissolution’ phase landscapes.

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Willmott, Hugh. New Landscapes of Leisure. The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 135-158 Aug 2020. ISBN 9781800501638. Date accessed: 18 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39362. Aug 2020

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