25. Clues to a Great Mystery
Remembering J. Z. Smith - A Career and its Consequence - Emily D. Crews
Emily D. Crews [+ ]
University of Chicago
Emily D. Crews is a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at the University of Chicago, where she
teaches in the Religious Studies Department and the College. She completed her PhD in
History of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School in 2021. Her work focuses
on the ways that women’s reproductive bodies are linked to projects of identity construction, maintenance, and negotiation in Nigerian Pentecostal immigrant communities in the United States. In the classroom she thinks with students about categories and ideas in the study of religion through mundane phenomena like love, sororities, Jane Austen, and Alabama football (Roll Tide).
In the Afterword, Emily D. Crews draws on her experiences with Jonathan Z. Smith at the University of Chicago Divinity School to ask what Smith’s legacy might be for current and future scholars of religion. She offers three lessons that she learned from Smith’s work and that she hopes others may learn, as well.