Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion - Barbara Krawcowicz

Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion - Barbara Krawcowicz

16. Is There Room for "This Sort of Reflexivity"? The Meaning of J. Z. Smith in Religious Education

Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion - Barbara Krawcowicz

Jack Laughlin [+-]
University of Sudbury
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Jack C Laughlin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at University of Sudbury, a federated Catholic college of Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. He teaches in the World Religions area. His expertise is in South Asian religions and history. His current research interests include religious education, religion and law, and theory and method in the study of religion.
Kornel Zathureczky [+-]
University of Sudbury
Kornel Zathureczky is Associate Professor and Chair of the Joint Department of Religious Studies, University of Sudbury.


Jack C. Laughlin and Kornel Zathureczky link J. Z. Smith’s views on undergraduate college education with those expressed by Richard Rorty and argue that we should see Smith as firmly positioned within the tradition of American Pragmatism. They posit a “Rortyan-Smithian pragmatism” and point out the extent to which Smith’s imagining religion is informed by Pragmatism, especially by the work of the Rortyan “redescribing ironist” acutely aware of the contingency of her work. In their opinion, Smith’s “confession to the Rortyan imperative of acculturation before edification is an admission that the unsettling of commonplace ideas—about religion—is parasitic upon their very reproduction. And to the extent that that’s the case, there is never a critic then, without a caretaker” (below: xx). It is in this context that Laughlin and Zathureczky then analyze the Éthique et culture religieuse (ECR) program in the Canadian province of Québec.

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Laughlin, Jack; Zathureczky, Kornel. 16. Is There Room for "This Sort of Reflexivity"? The Meaning of J. Z. Smith in Religious Education. Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 206-216 Jul 2023. ISBN 9781781799840. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39932. Jul 2023

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