Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion - Barbara Krawcowicz

Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion - Barbara Krawcowicz

8. Redescribing Two Old Tibetan Prayers with J. Z. Smith

Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion - Barbara Krawcowicz

Lewis Doney [+-]
University of Bonn
Lewis Doney is Professor of Tibetan Studies at the University of Bonn. His most recent book is a solo-edited volume, Bringing Buddhism to Tibet: History and Narrative in the Dba’ bzhed Manuscript (De Gruyter, 2021).


Lewis Doney describes how reading Smith prompted him to reassess his earlier work on Old Tibetan prayer which betrayed, as Doney admits, a “search for origins, for causality and for specialness”. Taking clues from Smith, Doney reorganized, reassessed, and recontextualized his data—an epigraph on a bronze bell and a song of praise captured in a single manuscript copy—to then redescribe them as largely elite constructions of ideal Buddhist worlds, or “maps” whose divergence from each other suggests that both may be seen (or again, redescribed) as reflecting the movement of Tibetan religious literature from a more locative to an increasingly utopian map of reality.

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Doney, Lewis. 8. Redescribing Two Old Tibetan Prayers with J. Z. Smith. Thinking with J. Z. Smith - Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 105-117 Jul 2023. ISBN 9781781799840. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=39935. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39935. Jul 2023

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