Investigative Creative Writing - Teaching and Practice - Mark Spitzer

Investigative Creative Writing - Teaching and Practice - Mark Spitzer

Author Index

Investigative Creative Writing - Teaching and Practice - Mark Spitzer

Mark Spitzer [+-]
University of Central Arkansas
Mark Spitzer is Associate Professor of Creative Writing in the Department of Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing at the University of Central Arkansas. He is the author of 18 books, ranging from memoirs to novels to literary translations and collections of poetry. He is the editor of the award-winning Toad Suck Review (, a professor of creative writing, an authority on the notorious gar fish (See River Monsters, alligator gar episode), and the world expert on the poetry of Jean Genet. Other recent titles include the poetry collection, Inflammatosis: Polemic Poetry, Incendiary Prose, and Other Extremes of Love and War (Six Gallery Press, 2018); the young adult and children’s literature title, The Crabby Old Gar (Subversive Muse Press, 2018); the novel, Viva Arletty! Our Lady of the Egrets (Six Gallery Press, 2017); the nonfiction work, Beautifully Grotesque Fish of the American West (University of Nebraska Press, 2017); the literary translation The Genet Translations: Poetry and Posthumous Plays (Polemic Press, 2015), and the memoir, After the Octopus (Black Mountain Press, 2014).


Abbey, Edward 64, 66, 142, 149, 152, 161–162 Addonizio, Kim 218, 230 Agence France Presse 146, 149 Anonymous 243–244, 251 Antler 142, 149 Astley, Neil 142, 149 Bangs, Lester 53, 57 Baraka, Amiri 146–147, 149 Barham, Victoria 192, 196, 198 Bazerman, Charles 7–8, 11, 17 Beattie, Ann 121, 136 Beiles, Sinclair 4, 17 Bell, Teona 209 Birdsong, Joseph 74, 80 Blair, Cybil 209 Blake, Harrison 252 Blake, William 25, 173 Bouthoul, Betty 17 Boyle, T. C. 53, 57, 152, 162 Brantley, Max 95–96, 99 Brewer, Robert Lee 208, 212 Brown, Eddie Jr. (Turtle Man) 153, 162 Boudinot, Ryan 118–120, 136 Bukowski, Charles 92, 142 Burroughs, William S. 4, 16, 17, 214–216, 230 Byers, Craig 192, 196, 198 Camoin, François 59, 66, 69, 80 Carson, Rachel 64, 66 Carver, Raymond 121, 136 Cervantes, Lorna Dee 121, 177 Chik, Alice 7, 17, 18 Chu His 32 Churchill, Ward 133 Churchill, Winston 17 Cillia, Bella 201 Codrescu, Andrei 113, 121, 212 Colbert, Stephen 146 Corso, Gregory 4, 17 Costley, Tracey 7, 17, 18 D’Agata, John 5, 17 Davis, Holly 192, 196, 198 Davis, Mikayla 204 Department of Writing, University of Central Arkansas 90–94, 96–97, 99 Díaz, Junot 122–124, 126, 135, 136 DiCaprio, Leonardo 142 Dorn, Ed 121, 177, 187–189 Douglas, Rory 132, 136 Ellis, Bret Easton 121 Else, John 142, 149Faulkner, William 60, 62 Ference, Lisa 74, 80 Foreman, Dave 142, 150 Fox, Josh 142, 150 Fox, Skip 121 Freeman, Noah 192, 196, 198 Garrett, Benjamin C. Roy Cory 244–245 Genet, Jean 92, 99, 133 Gessner, David 229, 230 Ginsberg, Allen 24, 25, 133, 214 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 24 Gomez, David 201 Gore, Al 142, 150 Graham, Lea (Leigh) 204–205, 218–220, 231 Gysin, Brion 4, 17, 214 Hale, Edward E. 252 Hale, Lucretia P. 252 Hass, Robert 142 Haywood, Bill 142, 150 Healey, Stephan Peter 91–93, 99 Hemingway, Ernest 24, 117 Hempel, Amy 121, 136 Hogan, Linda 121, 177 Hollo, Anselm 133 Institute of Education Sciences 96, 100 Isaacson, Walter 31, 32 Jagger, Mick 3, 17 Jobe 228, 229 Johnson, Erika 207 Johnson, Robert R. 96, 99 June, Audrey Williams 96, 99 Katz, Steve 121 Kennedy, Robert F. Jr. 147, 150 Kerouac, Jack 13, 17, 25, 226, 227, 229, 231 Kesey, Ken 108, 142, 150, 234–235 Kidder, Jason 201 Kimball, Logan 206, 209 King David 235 King, Martin Luther Jr. 240 Kinnell, Galway 142, 150 Lager, Mark 204, 221 Larsson, Stieg 31, 32 Laskowski, Briget 204, 221 Lee, Stan 11, 17 Levertov, Denise 142 Levon, O. U. 235, 251 Lewis, Scotty 241–242 Lim, Shirley Goek-lin 8, 17 Lindersmith, Hayden 206 Lish, Gordon 136 Loring, Frederic W. 252 Mali, Taylor 84, 86 Martin, Phillip 91, 100 May, Lori A. 237, 251 Mayers, Tim 233, 251 McDiarmid, Margo 144, 150 McInerney, Jay 121 McKibbin, Bill 142, 150 McMurtry, Larry 108 McNiece, J. J. 204, 221–222, 231 Merchant, Brian 145, 150 Miller, Shua 216–217 Moo, Jessica Murphy 136 Moody, Rick 136 Mooney, Carolyn 91, 100 News Hour (PBS) 236, 251 Newton, Isaac 24 North, Michael 32O’Hara, Frank 53, 57 Oliver, Mary 142 Olson, Charles 4, 226, 231 Orlowski, Jeff 144, 150 Pancake, Ann 152, 162 Pennington, Martha C. 7, 17, 18, 232, 251 Perkins, Frederic B. 252 Plato 228–229 Poe, Edgar Allen 26, 32 Pound, Ezra 4, 26, 32 Purcell, Jim 95–96 Reed, Hayden 192, 196, 198 Richards, Keith 3, 17 Rimbaud, Arthur 21, 24, 25, 92, 228, 231 Robison, Mary 121, 136 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 17 Roosevelt, Theodore 17 Rorabaugh, Pete 51, 57, 58 Roth, Philip 28–29 Sanders, Ed 4–6, 18, 203, 240, 251 Sandars, N. K. 143, 150, 169, 177, 184 Saner, Reg 123, 177 Savage, Edward 166, 177 Schongauer, Martin 168 Sexton, Alissa 74, 80 Shepard, Sam 64, 66 Shepherd, Chuck 30, 32 Shivani, Anis 120–122, 137 Simon, Cecilia Capuzzi 117, 137 Smith, Callie 204 Snyder, Gary 64, 66, 142 Sorority Girl 243–244, 251 Spiegelman, Art 114, 116 Spitzer, Mark 25, 27, 52, 69–70, 79, 80–86, 92, 151, 152, 154, 159, 162, 174, 177, 179, 182–183, 184, 188–189, 194, 211, 212, 216, 229, 230, 231, 246, 252 Sprengnether, Madelon 121 Stanford, Frank 142, 150 Stanisch, Erika 201, 207 Starkie, Enid 228–229, 230, 231 Steadham, Heather 247–248, 252 Stein, Gertrude 114 Steiner, Donna 237, 252 Stommel, Jesse 51, 57, 58 Stowe, Harriett Beecher 235, 252 Sukenick, Ron 121 Tall, Deborah 5, 17 Tarantino, Quentin 42, 48 Taylor, Jeff 16–17, 18 Thompson, Hunter S. 243, 252 Thoreau, Henry David 144, 150, 171, 245, 250, 252 Tzara, Tristan 122, 137 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 94–97, 100 Van Jordan, A. 218 Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet 11, 17, 18 Wallace, David Foster 114, 116 Warrick, Annika 192, 196, 198 Waxler, Robert P. 232, 251 White, Edmund 133 Whitman, Walt 6, 18, 52, 58, 86 Whitney, Adeline D. T. 252 Williams, Florence 148, 150 Williams, William Carlos 4 Willoughby, Jordan 192, 196, 198 Wolfe, Tom 28–29, 32 Wright, C. D. 114, 116

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Spitzer, Mark. Author Index. Investigative Creative Writing - Teaching and Practice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 253-255 Jan 2020. ISBN 9781781797181. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40591. Jan 2020

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