Jerusalem’s Farmland Transformed
Life on the Farm in Late Medieval Jerusalem - The Village of Beit Mazmil, its Occupants and Their Industry over Five Centuries - Bethany J. Walker
Omer Ze'evi [+ ]
University of Bonn (PhD student)
Omer Zeʿevi (M.A. 2019, Near Eastern Archaeology, Tel Aviv University) – PhD student in Islamic Archaeology at the University of Bonn
Nitsan Ben-Melech [+ ]
Tel Aviv University (PhD student)
Nitsan Ben-Melech (M.A. 2018, Near Eastern Archaeology, Tel Aviv University) – PhD student in Near Eastern Archaeology, Tel Aviv University.
Several seasons of excavations in what were the cultivated lands of medieval Beit Mazmīl and Ein Kerem are presented in this chapter. It centers on the results of the OSL dating of the agricultural terraces, creating a map of land and field development contemporary with the occupation of the farmstead.