Land Use and Foodways
Life on the Farm in Late Medieval Jerusalem - The Village of Beit Mazmil, its Occupants and Their Industry over Five Centuries - Bethany J. Walker
Sofia Laparidouo
Annette Hansen [+ ]
University of Groningen Groningen Institute of Archaeology
Annette Hansen (M.S. 2012, Archaeological Science, University of Oxford) – PhD student in Palaeobotany and archaeology, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Chiara Corbino [+ ]
University of Sheffield
Dr. Chiara Corbino (PhD 2010, University of Siena) – Honorary Research Fellow, University of Sheffield
Georgia Kasapidou
Aristotle University
The final results of the botanical and faunal studies are presented here, in three separate sub-sections (as below). If needed, some of the larger charts, which comprise a reference archive of macrobotanical finds, will be relegated to the online supplement for the sake of space. 7.1: Evidence from Phytoliths - Sofia Laparidou and Georgia Kasapidou – phytoliths from site and terraces 7.2: The Macrobotanical Record - Annette Hansen – macrobotanical analysis from site 7.3: The Zoorarchaeological Remains - Chiara Corbino – zooarchaeological analysis from site