Reading to Learn, Reading the World - How Genre-based Literacy Pedagogy is Democratizing Education - Claire Acevedo

Reading to Learn, Reading the World - How Genre-based Literacy Pedagogy is Democratizing Education - Claire Acevedo

Working with Reading to Learn at Undergraduate Level in Spain: A Learning Journey

Reading to Learn, Reading the World - How Genre-based Literacy Pedagogy is Democratizing Education - Claire Acevedo

Rachel Whittaker [+-]
Universidad Autónoma, Madrid
Rachel Whittaker, PhD (English Department, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid), coordinated Spain's team in the project: Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education ( which brought Reading to Learn to a number of European countries (see, and Lenguaje y Textos monograph 2017, co-edited with Isabel García Parejo), and supervised the translation of Rose & Martin's Learning to Write, Reading to Learn into Spanish as Leer para aprender: lectura y escritura en las áreas del currículo (Pirámide 2018). She is active in teacher education and has published a number of articles on Reading to Learn pedagogy and on CLIL in Spain.
Isabel García-Parejo [+-]
Complutense University, Madrid
Isabel García-Parejo, PhD (Spanish Language Pedagogy section of the School of Education, Complutense University, Madrid) has worked as a teacher in Adult Basic Education for eleven years and in teacher education for over twenty-five years. As coordinator of the Forum for Multilingualism research group ( she participated in the Tel4ele Comenius project and later led teaching innovation projects designed to bring Reading to Learn into L1 teacher education for undergraduates. She has published a number of articles on R2L in Spain and given talks at national and international events (Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Portugal, USA ).
Aoife Ahern [+-]
Complutense University, Madrid
Aoife Ahern, PhD (Foreign Language Pedagogy section of the School of Education, Complutense University, Madrid) has worked in teacher education for over ten years. As a member of the Forum for Multilingualism ( research group she has participated in teaching innnovation and research focusing on the application of Reading to Learn to foreign language and Content and Language Integrated Learning for pre-service and in-service primary teachers, on which she has given talks and workshops at national and international (Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Portugal,) events over the past 7 years.


The growing success of R2L in Sweden attracted the interest of Danish educators, so Claire Acevedo and Ann-Christin Lövstedt applied for funding from the European Union for a multi-national training program. They eventually recruited five teams of educators from Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, Spain and Portugal for a three-year project, known as Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education, or TeL4ELE. In Chapter 10, Rachel Whittaker, Isabel García-Parejo and Aoife Ahern describe how this project has blossomed in Spain into a range of activities, including pre-service teacher education and service-learning.

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Whittaker, Rachel; García-Parejo, Isabel; Ahern, Aoife. Working with Reading to Learn at Undergraduate Level in Spain: A Learning Journey. Reading to Learn, Reading the World - How Genre-based Literacy Pedagogy is Democratizing Education. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 161-176 Jul 2023. ISBN 9781800503243. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41263. Jul 2023

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