Religion and Senses of Place - Graham Harvey

Religion and Senses of Place - Graham Harvey

Clouds Drifting Through a Landscape: Glimpses of Rishikesh

Religion and Senses of Place - Graham Harvey

Stephen B. Jacobs [+-]
University of Wolverhampton
Stephen Jacobs is Senior Lecturer in Media, Religion and Culture at the University of Wolverhampton. Specialising in Indian traditions and Religion and Mass Media communication, his recent publications include Hinduism Today (Bloomsbury, 2010), 'Simulating the Apocalypse: Theology and Structure of the Left Behind Games’ Online' in Heidelberg Journal of Religion and the Internet (2015) and Art of Living: Spirituality and Wellbeing in the Global Context (Ashgate, 2015).


This chapter will explore how Rishikesh is represented as one place through the geosemitotics and discourses that construct this small Northern Indian town as unique. However, it will identify how Rishikesh may also be considered as many places through the multiplicity of experiences that different interpretive communities encounter. The chapter will be based on my own personal experiences of visiting Rishikesh over a period of thirty five years, both for personal and academic reasons.

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Jacobs, Stephen. Clouds Drifting Through a Landscape: Glimpses of Rishikesh. Religion and Senses of Place. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 32-59 Sep 2021. ISBN 9781800500662. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41474. Sep 2021

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