Interpretation - A Critical Primer - Nathan Eric Dickman

Interpretation - A Critical Primer - Nathan Eric Dickman

The Initiatives of Interpretation

Interpretation - A Critical Primer - Nathan Eric Dickman

Nathan Eric Dickman [+-]
University of the Ozarks
Nathan Eric Dickman (PhD, The University of Iowa) is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of the Ozarks. He researches in hermeneutic phenomenology, philosophy of language, and comparative questions in philosophies of religions, with particular concerns about global social justice issues in ethics and religions. He has taught a breadth of courses, from Critical Thinking to Zen, and Existentialism to Greek & Arabic philosophy. His book titled "Using Questions to Think" (Bloomsbury, 2021) examines the roles questions play in critical thinking and reasoning, his book titled "Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Priority of Questions in Religions" (Bloomsbury, 2022) examines the roles questions play in religious discourse, and his book titled "Interpretation: A Critical Primer" (Equinox, 2023) examines the role of questions in the interpretation of texts.


Chapter Two, The Initiatives of Interpretation, will turn to an analysis of the mindset or consciousness of interpretation. This turn reframes interpretation, not in terms of its objects (namely, texts), but in terms of the subjectivity of interpreters themselves. The philosopher Edmund Husserl’s idealist phenomenology will help us unlock interpretation as a mode of consciousness structured by intentionality. Through this, we can achieve a level of self-consciousness or reflexivity about the predicament of all interpretive consciousness. Because consciousness is structured by history and culture, all interpretation is correspondingly structured. The structuring of interpretive consciousness is detectable in identification of prejudices and examination of the nature of prejudice. This will also require some examination of the subject position of colonialist Eurocentrism.

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Dickman, Nathan Eric. The Initiatives of Interpretation. Interpretation - A Critical Primer. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 42-64 Aug 2023. ISBN 9781800503373. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43480. Aug 2023

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