The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott


The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

Cynthia Shafer-Elliott [+-]
Baylor University
Cynthia Shafer-Elliott Is Associate Professor of Religion at Baylor University.
Kristin Joachimsen [+-]
Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
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Kristin Joachimsen is Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, MF- Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. She is the author of Identities in Transition: The Pursuit of Isa. 52:13-53:12 (Brill, 2011). Her current project is on perceptions and receptions of Persia in the Hebrew Bible and in biblical scholarship.
Ehud Ben Zvi [+-]
University of Alberta
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Ehud Ben Zvi is a Professor Emeritus in the department of History and Classics at the University of Alberta. He has written extensively on Social Memory in Ancient Israel and the latter's past-shaping texts, esp. prophetic literature, ‘historical’ books and particularly Chronicles. For list of publications see
Pauline A. Viviano [+-]
Loyola University Chicago
Pauline A. Viviano is an Associate Professor Emerita of Theology at Loyola University Chicago where she taught for thirty-five years. She holds a Masters in Philosophy and a doctorate in Biblical Languages and Literature from St. Louis University. Besides articles in academic and popular journals, she has written popular commentaries on the Books of Genesis in the Collegeville Bible Commentary series (1984) and more recently on the Books of Jeremiah and Baruch for the New Collegeville Commentary series (2013) and a commentary on the Book of Joshua for the Paulist Press Biblical Commentary (2018).

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Shafer-Elliott, Cynthia; Joachimsen, Kristin ; Ben Zvi, Ehud; Viviano, Pauline . Abbreviations. The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. vii-x Jun 2022. ISBN 9781800500228. Date accessed: 29 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44132. Jun 2022

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