The Holy in a Pluralistic World - Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century - Ulrich Rosenhagen

The Holy in a Pluralistic World - Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century - Ulrich Rosenhagen


The Holy in a Pluralistic World - Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century - Ulrich Rosenhagen

Ulrich Rosenhagen [+-]
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ulrich Rosenhagen is Director of the Center for Religion and Global Citizenry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 2012 and is author of Brudermord, Freiheitsdrang, Weltenrichter: Religiöse Kommunikation und öffentliche Theologie in der amerikanischen Revolutionsepoche (De Gruyter, 2015). He edited Nostra Aetate and the Future of Interreligious Dialogue with Charles Cohen and Paul Knitter (Orbis, 2017). He has written in academic and non-academic journals on Jewish-Christian relations, Social Protestantism, and interreligious dialogue. His main interests are interreligious literacy, religion and social justice, and the work of Rudolf Otto.
Gregory D. Alles [+-]
McDaniel College
Gregory Alles is professor of religious studies at McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland. He is co-editor of Numen, the journal of the International Association for the History of Religions, and a member of the steering committee of the Indigenous Religious Traditions Unit of the American Academy of Religion. Dr. Alles has served as President of the North American Association for the Study of Religions. His research has focused widely on rhetoric in Greek and Sanskrit epic, the history of the study of religions in Germany, particularly the work of Rudolf Otto, the study of religions in a global context, and most recently on adivasi (tribal) people in Gujarat, India, known as Rathvas. He edited Religious Studies: A Global View and is author of The Iliad, The Ramayana, and the Work of Religion: Failed Persuasion and Religious Mystification as well as a number of articles.

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Rosenhagen, Ulrich; Alles, Gregory. Index. The Holy in a Pluralistic World - Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 309-311 Jun 2022. ISBN 9781781794906. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44266. Jun 2022

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