Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses - Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era - Ludovico Battista

Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses - Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era - Ludovico Battista

Religious Freedom and History of Religions in Benjamin Constant

Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses - Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era - Ludovico Battista

Roberto Celada Ballanti [+-]
University of Genoa
Roberto Celada Ballanti is Full Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Interreligious Dialogue at the Department of Antiquity, Philosophy and History of the University of Genoa. His research interests are the philosophy of modern religion from the Humanism to the Enlightenment, the religious problem in the contemporary age and in relationship with nihilism, the philosophy of interreligious dialogue in its history and developments 20th century. Among his recent works, Religione, storia, libertà. Studi di filosofia della religione, Liguori, Napoli, 2014; La parabola dei tre anelli. Migrazioni e metamorfosi di un racconto tra Oriente e Occidente, Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 2017.


This chapter aims to outline the basic coordinates of Benjamin Constant’s work De la Religion, considerée dans sa source, ses formes et ses développements, published between 1824 and 1831, showing its belonging to the religious-liberal tradition of modern thought, which from Humanism and the Reformation reaches the Aufklärung of Lessing, Kant, and Schleiermacher. Moreover, it intends to claim the dense and original theoretical value of this historical-erudite work dedicated to ancient polytheisms—too often overshadowed by other more well-known studies of Constant—that is, an authentic theory of religious freedom with historical value.

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Ballanti, Roberto Celada . Religious Freedom and History of Religions in Benjamin Constant. Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses - Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 324-340 Mar 2024. ISBN 9781800503885. Date accessed: 07 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44446. Mar 2024

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