Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
Fernanda Fischione [+ ]
Sapienza University of Rome
Fernanda Fischione is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellow (2021-2024) at Sapienza University of Rome – Université Internationale de Rabat, with the project Transnational Maghreb and the International Prize for Arabic Fiction: Pluralism, inclusiveness, and peaceful coexistence in the contemporary Maghrebi novel. She holds a PhD from Sapienza University of Rome. Her area of expertise is Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature, with a special focus on space in literary criticism and narrative space in the oeuvre of Jordanian writer and critic Ġālib Halasā. Since 2015, she has carried out two side-projects: one about rap and protest music in the SWANA region in the aftermath of the 2011 uprisings, and one about nationalism and the novel in Jordan. She is an Arabic-into-Italian literary translator. Among her translations: Istiḫdām al-ḥayāh by Aḥmad Nāǧī and Ayman al-Zurqānī (Il Sirente, 2016), al-Ṭābūr by Basmah ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (Nero, 2018), and al-Ġirbāl by Mīḫāʾīl Nuʿaymah (Istituto per l’Oriente “C. A.Nallino”, 2022). She is co-founder and editor of the magazine “Arabpop. Rivista di arti e letterature contemporanee”.
Arturo Monaco [+ ]
Sapienza University of Rome
Arturo Monaco is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2025) at Sapienza University of Rome – American University of Beirut, with the project Digital Mythology and Arabic Literature: A Digital Archive to Study the Dynamics of the Reception of Greek Myths in Modern Arabic Literature. He holds a PhD in Civilizations, Cultures and Societies of Asia and Africa, Sapienza University of Rome. His PhD dissertation resulted in the book Surrealismi arabi 1938-1970. Il Surrealismo e la letteratura araba in Egitto, Siria e Libano (Istituto per l’Oriente “C.A. Nallino”, Rome 2020), which explores the surrealist trend in modern Arabic literature, with a special focus on the surrealist production in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon between the 1930s and the 1960s. His research interests include modern Arabic poetry, Arab literary press, intercultural exchanges between Arabic and foreign literatures. In the latter field, he translated Sulaymān al-Bustānī’s Introduction to his own translation of Homer’s Iliad (Istituto per l’Oriente “C. A. Nallino”, 2022).